Is Eating Fat and Animal Protein Bad for Your Heart?

Is Eating Fat and Animal Protein Bad for Your Heart?

Over the last month, the #1 question I have received has been, “Does eating meat and fat help in heart disease prevention and treatment? Dr. Esselstyn, PCRM, and Dr. McDougall advocate no meat, fish or dairy, and no oil. Your advice differs. What should I do when...
Eating More Fat Is Good for Your Heart and Brain

Eating More Fat Is Good for Your Heart and Brain

For years the medical community has told people to decrease their fat intake to prevent heart disease and memory loss, but there have been four big problems with this approach. First, it is hard to do. I spent years telling people to lower their fat intake, yet 95% of...
What 5 Foods Are Fantastic for Your Heart

What 5 Foods Are Fantastic for Your Heart

Heart disease is the #1 killer of women and men and has an enormous impact on health worldwide, even though we can prevent it with lifestyle 90% of the time.  Equally important is that the same factors that lead to heart disease play a dramatic role in your quality of...
Is Eating Fat and Animal Protein Bad for Your Heart?

Will losing body fat protect your heart?

The short answer is ABSOLUTELY. From the hundreds of patients at my clinic who have decreased their arterial plaque load by 10% or more, losing body fat was one of the most important predictors that shrink arterial plaque. Further, when we identified which lifestyle...
5 Foods that Will Boost Your Romantic Life1

5 Foods that Will Boost Your Romantic Life1

Would you like to discover foods that will improve your romantic life? Then keep reading! We’ve all heard of the aphrodisiac powers of oysters and chocolate. Old wives’ tales? Well not really.  The keys to enhancing romantic and sexual performance in men and women...