Yours for only $97
30-Days to a Younger Brain Online Program comes with ZERO risk.
If you’re not feeling better and mentally sharper within THE FIRST 30 DAYS, you’ll receive a complete refund, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
30-Days to a Younger Brain Online Program
Right now, your brain is likely functioning below it’s full potential.
And this is a BIG problem!
A bigger problem still, is that many of us have been told that this decline is ‘normal with aging’.
If you notice brain fog, mental fatigue, depression, or depressed brain performance, this is not normal.
Far more likely, this is caused by lifestyle choices you make each day.
As a physician, nutritionist, and author with over 30 years of clinical experience, I’ve helped thousands of patients who have come to see me in person, or found one of my many online products.
They all want to know… ‘What’s the secret of better brain health?’
The truth is, there is no secret. There is no magic pill. It’s all about the choices you make every day.
And this is good news because…
When you know the steps to take, you truly can become mentally sharper, accomplish more in less time, and maintain your incredible mind as you go through life.
Today… I want to share those exact steps with you.
An amazingly effective, and easy-to-follow, 5-Step Program to transform your brain and take you from feeling foggy and tired, to feeling clear, sharp, and energized.
Inside the program you’ll find: 5 video presentations featuring the 5 steps of the program
The most important step to improve your brain function depends upon what you put on the tip of your fork, Step 1 of this incredible program is all about food.
In Step 1 we’ll cover the foods to eat to boost brain function every day. How to prepare them, and how much you need to eat each day. I’ll also focus on the foods to choose and those to avoid, to bring your blood sugar control back to normal. I’ve helped thousands of people reverse type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance,
Next, we focus on meeting the essential nutrient needs for your brain, as your brain won’t function well if you are nutritionally deficient.
Are you wasting money on supplements that don’t work? Find out with my guide to essential nutrients for your brain. Identify the most critical nutrients for your brain. Get as many as you can with food and use supplements when you realistically won’t meet your needs.
You’ll learn how to add exercise to your daily routine, to help clear your mind.
In step 3, I will clarify which activities increase your brain speed. Physical activity is essential, but mentally exercises are equally important, and you’ll be surprised that some of the games that you may enjoy help improve your brain function, too.
Chronic uncontrolled stress can shrink the memory center of your brain.
In step 4, you will identify the best ways to reduce your stress as efficiently as possible. A bonus is that the same steps that make you mentally sharper and more productive, also help to reduce depression and anxiety.
Know the most common brain toxins and how to avoid them.
In Step 5, you’ll identify the most common brain toxins, how to avoid them and protect your brain, plus how to detox if you have already been exposed. There’s no sense in doing all this important work if you end up poisoning yourself. It is easier than you might think to safely avoid common toxins.
Once you have these five easy to follow steps, you’ll be amazed at home much more quickly your brain can function and how much more energy you will feel.
For right now, I’m also including the following:
Kitchen & Pantry Makeover
Get the toxic food out of your home that is hurting you and your loved ones. Discover foods that are easy to make, that will nourish your brain, heart, and soul, and that your family and friends will love.
Recipes & Cooking Classes
Join me in my kitchen! Gain practical skills that will make cooking quick, fun, and easy with meals your family and friends will love.
Follow along as I teach you how to prepare delicious, brain-friendly meals that will supercharge your brain, heart and soul.
Younger Brain Workbook & Self-Quiz Guide
No need to guess anymore. Assess your progress every step of the way. End any ‘medical testing confusion’ with my simple guidelines on which tests you should be speaking to your doctor about, and what your results should be.
This includes quizzes that I use in my clinic regarding memory function, depression, sleep apnea, and metabolic syndrome.
30-Days to a Younger Brain Online Program comes with ZERO risk.
If you’re not feeling better and mentally sharper within THE FIRST 30 DAYS, you’ll receive a complete refund, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
I have had this experience as a physician, but also with my own family. I witnessed firsthand the negative effects memory loss can cause if not treated early.
My step dad, Chuck, inspired me to develop strategies to stop memory loss dead in its tracks, and to help prevent and/or reverse heart disease as well.
Unfortunately at the time, I couldn’t help Chuck. His sudden-onset dementia didn’t allow him to do simple things, such as showering, getting dressed, shaving, and eating. It was awful, and what surprised me was that it was harder on my mom caring for him than on Chuck himself.
Dementia debilitated this once energetic, sharp and thoughtful man. It took away his dream of living a happily retired life with my mom. He eventually stopped eating and drinking.
I’ll never forget some of the last words he ever said to me:
“Don’t let what happened to me happen to others.”
I promised Chuck that I would do my very best to help eradicate memory loss and heart disease.
That was over 20 years ago. Since then, I’ve developed effective solutions to help prevent what happened to my step dad.
- So don’t let memory loss impact you, or your loved ones.
And, as a result of following this porgram, THOUSANDS of my patients are now living healthy and vibrant lives,,,,, free of memory loss and full of joy!
You can join them….Today!
NOW only $97
30-Days to a Younger Brain Online Program comes with ZERO risk.
If you’re not feeling better and mentally sharper within THE FIRST 30 DAYS, you’ll receive a complete refund, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
- It’s so great to meet you!
- As a physician, nutritionist, trained chef, medical researcher, and author of six books with over 30 years of clinical experience… I can safely say I’m here to help you!
- I’ve received the prestigious award of Fellow from three respected organizations: the American Heart Association, the American College of Nutrition, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.
- I’m the author of ‘The Better Brain Solution’, the best-selling book, and the creator of the PBS show of the same name.
- I’ve published over 20 articles in scientific journals clarifying how lifestyle choices can improve or worsen brain function and heart disease, and I’ve presented my clinical data to over 30,000 physicians at medical meetings (meaning there is a decent chance that if you live in the US or Canada, your own physician has heard my presentations or read the articles that I have published).
JOIN ME TODAYGet Instant Access to EVERY STEP YOU NEED…Step 1 – Brain Boosting FoodsStep 2 – Essential Brain NutrientsStep 3 – Move Your Body, Power Your MindStep 4 – Proactively Manage Your StressStep 5 – Protect Your Brain From ToxinsBONUS MATERIAL – Kitchen & Pantry Makeover, Recipes & Cooking Classes, and a Workbook & Self-Quiz Guide
NOW only $97
30-Days to a Younger Brain Online Program comes with ZERO risk.
If you’re not feeling better and mentally sharper within THE FIRST 30 DAYS, you’ll receive a complete refund, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
What Others Are Saying About30-Days to a Younger Brain
“I went to meet Dr. Masley quite frustrated, as over the years I was on several strict diets and workouts, yet these changes were not helping my “brain fog” or gradual weight gain. I had trouble with losing things, focusing, and was forgetting names, and I was very surprised that my blood sugar levels were high and that I was pre-diabetic. Dr Masley encouraged me to start his program, and I noticed results immediately. My brain fog has resolved, my blood sugar levels returned to normal, I lost weight, my cognitive function scores improved by more than 50%, and I’m happier than ever!”
– Kathy from New York, NY
“I started seeing Dr. Masley in 2008. At the time, I was overweight and feeling like I was getting old at a young age. I started Dr. Masley’s program: I improved my eating habits, started exercising more, increasing my fitness and managed to lose 28 pounds in less than a year (9 years later, I have not regained those pounds back). Since then,, and now in 2017,, I feel great, and my cognitive score improved by 74%. I have more stamina and look forward to an active day,,, every day.Thanks to Dr. Masley, I have learned the importance of being active, removing toxins from my diet and living a healthier life. I look forward to years of health and vitality!”
– Bill from Tampa Bay, Florida
“I turned 71 this year! I don’t feel old! My cognitive testing improved by more than 50% and even better, I feel younger, and I am fitter, trimmer, sharper and have more energy than when I was 60,–Amazing!!! thanks to Dr. Masley!”
– Dave from Ontario, Canada
30-Days to a Younger Brain Online Program comes with ZERO risk.
If you’re not feeling better and mentally sharper within THE FIRST 30 DAYS, you’ll receive a complete refund, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
I am so confident you’ll succeed, that I’m willing to take all the risk.
When you follow my program, no matter what your age, you’ll feel better starting from the first day.
I am here to ensure your success, so that you can enjoy exhilarating aging and extended health for decades to come!
NOW only $97