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How to Treat Heartburn, without medication

Here is a topic dear to my heart, and I’ll share my own personal story below. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid irritates the lining of the esophagus. Symptoms can range from mild burning to severe pain and chest tightness. A little understanding of anatomy helps to...

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Is Mercury Hurting Your Brain?

Is Mercury Hurting Your Brain?

Mercury is a common element on planet Earth, and it is concentrated in coal. As the planet burns coal to generate 40% of the world’s energy supply (over 4 billion tons per year), we release thousands of tons of mercury into the atmosphere and as a result, mercury...

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Do You Need to Detox?

Do You Need to Detox?

Spring is in the air. Is it time for spring cleaning in your home?  At least once per year, my wife and I go through the spice drawer, check out cooking oils in the pantry, look at condiments and jars in the refrigerator, and throw out items that are old and/or...

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What foods should you buy organic?

What foods should you buy organic?

Nobody will likely tell you to consume more pesticides, yet every single day, the average American eats foods that are sprayed with these nasty chemicals. The questions I get often from my patients about organic foods and pesticides are, “what should I buy organic?”,...

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What Are the Best Herbs for Your Brain?

What Are the Best Herbs for Your Brain?

I enjoy cooking with herbs and spices that are great for my health and make my food taste fantastic at the same time—it is a win/win. Several herbs provide both of these benefits, and these are flavors that you should use more often. Rosemary For centuries, rosemary...

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Tips to Treat the Flu

Tips to Treat the Flu

Every year my patients ask me if they should get a flu shot, and what treatments they should consider if they do get the flu—both are great questions, but let’s start with a bit of background. The influenza virus (the flu) represents a group of RNA viruses that vary...

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