



Would you like to discover foods that will improve your romantic life? Then keep reading! We’ve all heard of the aphrodisiac powers of oysters and chocolate. Old wives’ tales? Well not really.  The keys to enhancing romantic and sexual performance in men and women...

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Four Steps to Stop Heart Disease

Four Steps to Stop Heart Disease

February is Heart Month! Let’s review four steps that will help you prevent and even reverse heart disease. FIRST, INCORPORATE FIVE HEART HEALING FOODS INTO YOUR DIET: Fabulous Fiber. If you added only one nutrient, pick FIBER. It’s the roughage in vegetables, fruits,...

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Why is taking a sauna great for your health?

Why is taking a sauna great for your health?

Sauna bathing is a form of whole-body thermotherapy and has been used since ancient times. It has been used in Roman baths, Aboriginal and Native American sweat lodges, Scandinavian saunas, Turkish baths, Russian Banyas, and similarly in Japan with hot water tubs and...

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How to Boost Your Bone Density with Exercise?

How to Boost Your Bone Density with Exercise?

Bone loss can have debilitating consequences. As your bones weaken over time, you risk having a debilitating fracture. Years ago, I remember what happened after my Grandma Lois (she had been an amazing walker all of her life) fell and fractured her pelvis. At age 92,...

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Six Foods to Improve Your Brain Function for the New Year!

Six Foods to Improve Your Brain Function for the New Year!

Happy New Year! What would be more important than protecting and improving your brain function for the New Year? I can’t think of anything more essential. Your brain is what makes you human. It brings you pleasure, memories, and helps you solve problems. You can live...

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Is your gut microbiome a missing link for heart disease?

Over the last decade, we have finally acknowledged the importance of our gut microbiome. The term “microbiome” refers to the friendly bacteria that live in and on your body. Nearly 9,000 research papers have been published over the last decade alone on clinical...

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Do You Get Enough Vitamin K1 and K2?

Do You Get Enough Vitamin K1 and K2?

Vitamin K is essential for clotting, bone health, and preventing calcification of your arteries. Most Americans don’t meet even the minimal intake guidelines for Vitamin K. Vitamin K was first identified to be essential for normal clotting, (vitamin K as in German for...

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Why do people stop taking their supplements?

Why do people stop taking their supplements?

Over the years I have learned the obstacles that keep my patients from staying on a good supplement plan. My goal is to help them overcome these obstacles and ensure that they meet their critical nutrient needs. Without a customized plan, 85% of the patients I see...

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Should You Get the New Shingles Vaccine?

Should You Get the New Shingles Vaccine?

Whether to vaccinate or not has become a discussion that creates a great deal of disagreement, and on websites, this conversation often leads to a heated debate. One of the latest controversies has been the new shingles vaccine, Shingrix. I’ve had multiple patients in...

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Where do Tapas Come From?

Where do Tapas Come From?

Tapas are small, savory dishes that originated in Spain. They can be served on small plates as snacks, appetizers, mini-sandwich canapés, or a small serving dish that comes with a beverage. In Spain, lunch is typically served from 1 to 3 pm, and the dinner menu isn’t...

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Should you throw away your aspirin?

Should you throw away your aspirin?

Last month, media headlines claimed that aspirin had more risk than benefit for older adults, and a few media articles went so far as to suggest that people throw away their aspirin.  The truth is that the recently published studies didn't make this recommendation. It...

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Southwestern Europe Travel Update

Southwestern Europe Travel Update

Nicole and I are four weeks into our trip around the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), departing from Les Sables-d’Olonne in France and aiming to reach southern Spain over 8 weeks. After months of preparing for this trip, we are underway. To get ready, I passed...

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Are you sleeping with toxins?

Are you sleeping with toxins?

If you’re like me, you may not have put a lot of thought into the impact that our laundry products have on our homes, bodies, and the environment.After all, if there’s an entire aisle at the store full of “trusted brands”, they must be safe, right?Unfortunately, the...

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